Our mission is to assist you in identifying and reaching your investment goals

In the complex and constantly changing world of investment opportunities, the partnership between investor and investment advisor can be the difference between realizing financial goals and falling short of needs and expectations. For more than twenty-eight years, we at Aull & Monroe have been partners with our clients, helping to set goals and providing the information, wisdom, and experience necessary to implement an investment strategy to achieve them.

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Our Duty to Our Clients…

Aull monroe group photo

Aull & Monroe, as a registered investment advisor firm, and its employees have an obligation and fiduciary duty to operate in the best interests of its clients. Specifically, A&M has a duty at all times:

  • to place the interests of its clients first;
  • to avoid any potential or actual conflicts of interest that may inhibit an employee's position of trust and responsibility;
  • to avoid taking inappropriate advantage of the Advisor's position;
  • to maintain client confidentiality; and
  • to maintain the honesty, integrity and professionalism expected of a registered investment advisor.